Tag: Kids

Pack for a Purpose – Little Effort. Big Impact. DIEGO Make a Difference with Pack for a Purpose! Pack for a Purpose (PfaP) is an initiative that serves as a link between communities, schools or hospitals with multiple needs and travelers. Those do not only pack their clothes, but also some supplies, which they donate […]

Adventure tourism in Ecuador: an excursion to Baños SOLEQMASTER ADVENTURE TOURISM IN ECUADOR: AN EXCURSION TO BAÑOS Baños de Agua Santa (“The Baths of Holy Water”) is especially known for its hot springs, supposed to have special healing powers. In addition, Baños has become an obligatory destination for adventure tourism with its numerous activities in […]

Volcán Ilaló: easy day hike close to Quito Angela The city of Quito has a truly unique location. Not only it has an altitude of 2.850 meters and is very close to the equator: the city is also surrounded by 14 volcanoes. This ensures endless possibilities for spectacular hikes, at just a short distance from […]

Christmas at Refugio de los Sueños SOLEQMASTER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr2Aj5ceYIg Since many years SOLEQ.travel has been supporting the day care center Refugio de los Sueños (“Refuge of Dreams”), a social project for neglected and socially disadvantaged children in Quito, the capital of Ecuador. This year 120 children and 15 Ecuadorian and international helpers attended the Christmas celebration. […]

SOCIAL PROJECT REFUGIO DE LOS SUEÑOS – ACHIEVED GOALS AND ONGOING SUPPORT SOLEQMASTER It was a great joy for me to see how the inner courtyards of the social project Refugio de los Sueños were covered with zinc roofs (work that began in March 2017). We´ve been supporting this center since 2015 in corporation with […]

ECUADOR AND THE GALAPAGOS WITH KIDS? DAYANA A tour to Ecuador and the Galapagos with kids is quite a big thing when you come from Germany, considering that the international flight takes about 15 hours. As our kids, 4 years and 10 months old, are quite easy, we thought we might try it and we […]