Tag: Mindo

MY TOP 3 HIGHLIGHTS IN MINDO DAYANA When I heard that Mindo is located in the cloud forest, I had no idea what to expect because that should be my first time visiting one. In fact it is a type of evergreen rain forest on an altitude of 900 to 2.500 meters with an enormously […]

A MIND(O)BLOWING EXPERIENCE SOLEQMASTER You are addicted to speed, heights and nature? You love the feeling of wind blowing in your face, of rushing down a rapid stream, of being surrounded by lush green hills? Then your next travel destination should definitely be Mindo! This small, charming town in the cloud forest of the Ecuadorian […]

AN ADVENTUROUS WEEKEND IN MINDO DAYANA Last weekend I decided to go to Mindo. A little, calm village in the cloud forest and about 70 km western from Quito. It is especially known for its unique bird world, like hummingbirds, toucans, parrots and the famous cock of the rock. As well you can do there […]